[minti_alert type=”success” close=”true”]If you need to locate a font, please read the following instructions and visit dafont.com [/minti_alert] You should see a page like this at dafont.com : Then just click on the “TOP” category link which will show you the most popular fonts. As seen in image below. [minti_alert type=”success” close=”true”]Then you can type in the…
Category: Other Unique Things

[How to] Design your artwork for screen printing use for t shirts or apparel
[minti_alert type=”info” close=”true”]This post will help answer some of your questions about designing artwork for screen printing.[/minti_alert] It’s pretty common for someone to say “I want that picture on my shirt” while looking at a tiny thumbnail on a cellphone. It’s easier said than done in many times. You can always make an image smaller, but…

“Fear Factory” Hoodie and T Shirt [Custom Order]
This was a customer request for some intense screen printing (for such a low run) It had 4 placements and a total of 10 screens!! This *is* something we can do – but remember it’s not cheap. There was hours of pre-press, setup, and after-press work that goes into something like this. Custom Screen Printing…

Custom hand crafted leather, made for Big Vision Customs™ by Lindy Carmichael
Today a special delivery came, it was a hand crafted leather display made by a friend of ours!! Wow does it look cool! Do not get confused, we did not make this, it was made FOR us, lol (Her contact details below) Feel free to contact Lindy Carmichael to learn more about her custom leather working skills and…
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