These were printed with a soft-hand additive to give the screen print a nice soft feel.
Tag: Grandville

Pink Foil – Big Vision Customs™ Logo
Pink Foil applied on a screen printed logo. Foil will make your t shirts stand apart from everyone else!

“Fear Factory” Hoodie and T Shirt [Custom Order]
This was a customer request for some intense screen printing (for such a low run) It had 4 placements and a total of 10 screens!! This *is* something we can do – but remember it’s not cheap. There was hours of pre-press, setup, and after-press work that goes into something like this. Custom Screen Printing…

Cabela’s Hats for the Grandville / Rivertown Crossings location
Very happy with how these Mossy Oak – Cabela’s hats turned out. This is a 2 color heat applied vinyl design. Low cost and looks very nice and professional. It’s always fun to see people fight over the new merch when we deliver it 🙂 Need custom hats or t shirts? Contact Us or get…

Custom Hats – Kodi Alexander – Black Glitter Vinyl
This hat is a 2 color vinyl decoration with a base of white and inside of glitter black. Looks pretty sharp! Need custom hats? Contact Us!
1 Custom Party Like a Cosby Polo Shirt
A customer from Walker wanted to know if we could do a rush job. Luckily we could fit it in the schedule and did and the shirt came out nice. Art could have been better since it was pulled off the internet and made on a phone, but with that being said, it came out…
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